After independence from Britain in 1776,it took over 100 years before women could vote in America as a result of the frantic efforts of the suffragette movement in America,finally in 1920,this became constitutional.One would have thought that,what America represented would have made it easy to grant women the right to vote but their rights were hampered.

While this happened,it took another March and protests by Martin Luther king to make it possible for blacks to vote in America,we all saw the beatings of the likes Andrew young and other activists before the civil rights struggle rested,but one would have thought that America would be democratic,yet the country goes back to its past of discrimination and lack of respect for democratic values

The gains achieved in the late 1800s after the civil war during the reconstruction by President Ulysses Grant, have been eroded by the kKK and sundry bodies that have aided the de-democratization of America.

Till date,America still behaves like a dictatorship with no vestiges of democracy.a case in point is the absolute gerrymandering that goes on amongst political parties,the republicans are major culprits of this,this process stifles the electoral potentials of other parties by making it impossible to get political patronage.A vivid example is the year 2000 elections and how the bush family used it’s influence,Florida was called for bush by a cocktail of dictatorial meanderings, the election was decided by the court and the court went the bush way.

Another very grave point, is it’s total violation of the rights of citizens by the current administration of trump, a case in point, is the way immigrants were treated despite the court ruling,also the way dreamers were treated with no vestige of respect for humanity.

Alexis de tocqville, a French statesman, was very critical of the class contest, that constantly pervades the air in the affairs of America.In his book,Democracy in America, he talked about, the sad reality of the Democratic process in America,which is still reflective today.A democracy where the following happens;No respect for the popular opinion of the people,the institutionalization of the electoral college vote, which is based on seeding preeminence to some areas over the other areas.

I am shocked that America keeps flying the Democratic flag.It is shocking that a country that prides it’s governance on a political relay,by the Democratic and Republican party calls itself a democracy.It is funny, that a country that thrives on polarization and weaponization of religion,rather than the issues that affect the people.

It am still marvelled that, despite its Democratic status still disenfranchises voters based on skin color and political affiliations.In a bid to be a democracy, the people’s well being, should be the priority of government,but in America the big companies are still the governors of the people’s destiny.I get quite iffy when the Americans are so quick to advise us on democracy.America is certainly not an example.